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Saturday, January 3, 2015

Resolutions & Journaling

Hello Readers!

I hope you had a great New Year celebration with family and friends. Personally, I stayed home and watched the celebrations from around the world on my television.

How many of you make New Year’s Resolutions? I’ve never been one to make them, mostly because it always felt like I was setting myself up for failure. And we’ve talked about that monster—The Fear of Failure. Hideous creature!

This year, however, I decided to make a few resolutions. Hopefully I have worded them in such a way I have left myself open for success.

1.      Begin a journal and try to write in it every single day. For years I have read of the benefits of journaling. Actually starting one, though, never seemed to happen. One fear is having any angst-written entries read by someone after I am gone from this mortal plane. Now, however, I am going to actually carry through with it and see if it helps me through this trying time.

2.      Learn to be more gracious during the trying times. This resolution came about because there have been a few things happen during this breakup that I allowed to overwhelm me, then I did not handle them very well. Most recent case in point, when the “other woman” tried to friend my author Facebook page. I admit—I handled that very poorly.

3.      Map out my finances and set goals for each month. I think many of us have resolutions about getting a handle on our finances, right? I even went so far as to map out my budget and an Annual Financial Snapshot in Excel spreadsheets. They are even filled with color, to keep me staying positive.

4.      Take better care of my health.

5.      Finish the remaining three short stories for the Tales from the Nordonians. Pretty much self-explanatory. There are three more and I need to get them completed, and soon.

6.      Write “Taylor’s Story” (book four) for the IMS series. I don’t have a fifth book in mind yet, but there is plenty of time for inspiration to strike. ZAP!

7.      Get an outline started for my Fantasy series that I have been dreaming of all year! Even if I just get the outline started, I feel this will help me tremendously.

There you have it. My 2015 Resolutions. I’m hoping I kept them open-ended enough that I won’t have to deal with the Fear monster. So what are some of your resolutions? What made you choose them?

Until next time…be kind to each other…and to yourself!


  1. Hi Ava. Your resolutions are inspiring and I'm sure you'll find success. I don't make resolutions, but yours have given me food for thought. Thank you. Happy New Year. Hugs. :)

  2. I'll respond more but for now: I like resolutions 5 and 6. They are measureable. They are realizable. They are realistic (as far as I know). And, not to be too greedy or self-serving, I would benefit as a fan.

    The others are fine but leave undefined what qualifies as success. You risk being unsatisfied with your results no matter how much you achieve.

    With my hug, Jon
